One Hundred and Two| Anna Nelson-Daniel | Ceramic, Steel, Wood, Paint | Chelsea College Parade Ground | London | 2014 - 2019 |
This installation, of 102 white ceramic roses, was created in response to a petition for a memorial to be constructed in remembrance of children who were targeted, killed, and/or went missing in Prijedor during the Bosnian War (1992-1995). On White Armband Day, 31 May 2014, human rights activists, local citizens, and former Displaced Persons (DPs) marched in procession through the town square in Prijedor. The names and ages of each identified child were printed on slips of paper attached to the stems of white roses, which were then placed in a circle along the cobblestone grounds. Along with an active petition for a permanent memorial, this collective action marked the site for a permanent memorial to be constructed in honor of the lives lost and their grieving families. One Hundred and Two was installed off-site to promote awareness and international discourse in the public Chelsea Parade Ground in Central London. Each rose is handmade by the artist. Throughout the exhibition, the roses were installed on the steel rods by the artist daily as a sort of morning ritual. Public audiences were invited to interact with the artist and installation throughout the open hours. Roses from the original installation are now in private collections across the United States, United Kingdom, United Arab Emirates, India, and Sweden. This project was made possible by the 2014 Project on Peacebuilding sponsored by Humanity in Action and Most Mira. |